Name: Mr. Wyatt
I must begin this little testimonial by confessing that I am a shopper. Over these past few years I have tried to find a Trainer capable of providing me with the guidance necessary to continue a healthy life into each successive decade. When I was still in my 7th, I asked the then-manager of the area’s largest athletic gym facility for a recommendation. Without the slightest hesitation, he replied “Dan LaBerge!”
Once my training with Dan had started, I soon realized that he had all the qualifications and direction that I thought I needed plus quite a few I hadn’t even thought about! First, of course, is an interview (no charge ever for this type of introduction by any trainer!) During that meeting my hopes and expectations were stated rather generally, only to be addressed with great specificity by Dan. Then it was his turn to explain what would be expected of me if my expectations were to be met. These custom elements included diet, general exercise outside of the defined time with Dan, and relaxation including getting adequate sleep. And perhaps even most importantly was the realization that “Trainer” means just that.
During the training periods that I set up with Dan, he not only directed and supervised the elemental exercises that I was to do during that period (lunges, squats, upper body exercises, etc., etc.), but he expected me to be able to repeat such exercises on my own. Indeed, that’s what I consider the most important element associated with a Personal Trainer: Being trained to know how to exercise without the presence of the trainer. So between sessions and while away on travel, Dan’s specific instructions are easily followed (even without his emphatic counting during really tough exercises!) The basic testimonial that I can give concerning Dan is that I look forward to each session as a guarantee that I will be seeing him for a very long time into the future.
Name: Janet Hollister
Initially Dan came to our home to train my husband, who needed help in losing weight. For about two months I was learning about healthy eating habits as my husband changed what he ate. In watching week after week of workouts, I began seeing what an exercise program was like. At the right point in time, my curiosity beat out my fear and I began working out with Dan.
As a wife, mother and teacher I spend most of my time taking care of other people’s needs. In working with Dan, I began to answer a question I had long been thinking about: Who takes care of me? The answer to that question was that I must take care of myself, and with Dan’s help, I learned to do a better job of making time for me, looking after my health and integrating a regular exercise program into my daily life. Before I started with Dan, I wasn’t noticeably overweight at 5’ 5’’ tall and about 140 pounds, but I was a bit frazzled by the hectic nature of life and had cholesterol levels that were slowly creeping up. I wanted to learn how to become fitter and stronger.
My initial goals were to improve my strength and fitness level, but I have gained much more than that. Losing weight was not a primary goal, but by improving my eating habits and exercising daily I lost about fifteen pounds. My weight is now about 125 pound. I went from a pant size 8 to a size 4 and sometimes a size 2. Improving my balance certainly wasn’t a goal, but I am surprise to see how much I notice my improved balance in everyday activities. Three hours of yard work used to leave me feeling stiff and sore the next day. To my surprise, I barely feel the effects now.
The most startling change was in my cholesterol levels. Several years ago my total cholesterol was at a respectable 181 and my LDL cholesterol was at 91, but over the course of four years my numbers rose to 233 and 143 and my doctor was asking me to look for ways to lower my cholesterol. About two months after beginning my work with Dan to improve my fitness and eating habits my blood work show a dramatic improvement. My total cholesterol was at 167, a drop of 76 points, and well below 200, the level under which it should be. My LDL cholesterol was down 53 points to 90; again well below the recommended level of 100. I never was that concerned about my cholesterol because it is invisible to me and didn’t appear to affect me on a daily basis. Dan brought it to my attention in a way that my doctor could not and I think we were both surprised at how fast diet and exercise can bring down cholesterol levels.
I never would have thought that I would welcome the physical challenges that Dan offers, but it is an amazing feeling to accomplish tasks of which I wasn’t sure I was capable. Most of all, I never expected to be proud of myself for taking the time and making the commitment to take good care of me and my family every single day. Dan has helped me to improve my life one small step at a time, which is a gift for which I am grateful.
Name: Sylvia K.
I was an elite athlete until my late 20s, training for the National Sculling team. I am 6 feet tall, with a pretty muscular frame. After I retired from rowing at 28, I got married, had two kids, and eventually put on 30 pounds.
As a tall woman, the weight was pretty well-distributed, but eventually I could not fit into my clothes. I maxed out at a size 16, and refused to buy clothes in that size. For a summer I had one pair of pants (shown in this picture).
Three years ago my life started falling apart financially and emotionally and I moved back to my hometown of Santa Barbara to rebuild. This is the time when I met Dan. Since then he has helped me take baby steps to gain control of my life, beginning with exercise and diet. Dan helped me to break down my excuses, reducing my bad habits one at a time, replacing them with healthy, positive choices.
I have shed the 30 pounds I gained over the past 10 years, and lost an additional 10. I am now a size 6/8, smaller than I was while on the National Team. I now enjoy exercise as an escape to stress and to enjoy the outdoors, instead of turning to food, and I find small, manageable athletic goals to train for.
Name: Lynne Jessop
I suffered a back injury in the spring of 2007. The surgeon said: “Take off weight and strengthen your core. Surgery can be avoided.” I was turning 50 in a year, 5’7”, 354 lbs, on 2 medications for hypertension, high cholesterol, and was a borderline diabetic. I was taking pain meds twice a day for my back and rheumatoid arthritis. My food intake was out of control. I joined a local gym where it was recommended I work out with Dan La Berge. In the 2 years I have been working out with Dan I have lost 144 lbs., my blood pressure is normal and I am off medication. My cholesterol has gone from 212 to142. I am no longer a borderline diabetic and I have not taken pain medications in the last year. I am in better shape physically, mentally, and nutritionally than in the last 20 years. I still have a way to go but Dan continues to inspire me to achieve more than I ever thought I could possibly obtain. With Dan’s knowledge, guidance and encouragement I have gained confidence, energy and an enthusiasm for life I thought long gone. Bring it on!! Thanks Dan!
Name: Steve Kus
Dan LaBerge is the complete package. Whatever your individual goals or needs are: Lose weight, build strength and flexibility, recover from an injury or learn to eat rights. Dan has it all.
When I first came to Dan, I was considerably overweight and had injured a muscle in my left leg that refused to get better. I also had polio as a child, which left my right leg considerably weaker than my left. Dan immediately started me on a program that worked around my limitations and nursed my injured leg back to health.
Until working with Dan, I didn't know that you can get a great workout, in a short time, without pain and soreness. Dan also taught me how to eat right. I've never gone hungry and have lost a pound of fat a week.
Today I've lost 25 pounds of fat, am considerably stronger and more flexible, have better balance and just feel great. I owe it all to Dan. (Hi, I'm Lisa, Steve's wife. Steve has done such great things for himself and for us. He has lost his love handles, his stomach is flat, and he looks great!)
Name: Sylvia Hamilton
"I have been training with Dan for three times a week for over two years and my family and friends say the results are amazing. My initial goals were to develop the muscle structure to maintain good posture, improve my core strength, and address balance issues. All this has been achieved and more. My body shape has changed and I feel strong, energetic and confident."
"Dan is able to tune into the needs of a very diverse client base. He is a good listener, kind, supportive, creative in designing training routines, and determined in his pursuit of what's best for each client. He makes the training experience both fun and challenging."
"I recommend Dan LaBerge to you without reservation."
Name: Barry Fox
"I feel grateful and thankful to have worked with Dan for a little over a year, he has helped me to attain many of my fitness, nutrition and life goals."
"Dan is passionate about fitness, nutrition and life and it shows through the energy and enthusiasm he brings to every session."
"His heartfelt, easy going, friendly personality creates an atmosphere of possibility and life transformation."
"Dan has been fully committed to my success and inspires me to have an extraordinary life. "